Was Harriet Tubman Obligated To Obey The Law Or Her Morals?

People who will mindlessly use violence to impose the arbitrary will of political parasites upon those who never consented to be governed by them should not be regarded or hailed as "heroes".

...Anyone without a badge can be a hero. The badge represents a criminal....a Person who is believed to have moral exemptions to murder, extort, kidnap, beat and mutilate others for reasons they never should be. Cops will murder you for "jaywalking". Don't believe me? Well, I'm not responsible for your ignorance.

None of you are free in this police state and cops are the ones who uphold the system of slavery over your heads.

A protector will preserve your life, property, freedom and safety in spite of the law.

A Law Enforcer, by definition, cannot, otherwise, they lose their job. They MUST sacrifice your freedom, life, proerty and safety, in order to preserve the law, even immoral ones.

THEY are the armed and dangerous criminal, terrorist-gangs lurking around every corner looking for innocent victims to prey upon for arbitrary reasons calling it "Law" and "Order".

Government is just the gang you fear would take over in its absence.

"Who would build the roads?" is no different a question than "Who will pick the cotton?"

Laws are not equivalent to morality, therefore a law enforcer cannot be moral and does not deserve respect for "juSt dOInG hiS jOb".

Was Harriet Tubman Obligated To Obey The Law, Or Her Morals?

I'll be creating and selling more, hopefully this works.

-Sincerely, an ex-Statist Slave
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